Fasting helps us to draw nearer to God.
It is a natural discipline for a spiritual purpose.
It’s not that God is more willing to speak when we are fasting, but we are more capable of hearing because our attention is off of what would normally distract us. God has something He wants to say to us and help us with everyday and fasting is a great way to tune in and hear exactly what that is.
Remember, your personal fast should be a bit of a challenge, but only you know your body and your options, so it’s important that you pray about this fast, use wisdom and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
It is a natural discipline for a spiritual purpose.
It’s not that God is more willing to speak when we are fasting, but we are more capable of hearing because our attention is off of what would normally distract us. God has something He wants to say to us and help us with everyday and fasting is a great way to tune in and hear exactly what that is.
Remember, your personal fast should be a bit of a challenge, but only you know your body and your options, so it’s important that you pray about this fast, use wisdom and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
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